Family Health, Green Cleaning

Keeping Your Newborn Safe as You Clean

Raising a newborn can be tough, not to mention a little hectic as you attempt to navigate the other areas of your life—from work and school, to your social life and marriage—while keeping your house in order. Indeed, parents of newborns have a serious adjustment when it comes to housekeeping and balancing life, but as you’re gonna find out, it is something parents have been grappling with for ages.

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Green Cleaning

Game Time Cleaning and Prep that’s Healthy and Fun

Game time is here, which means you need to step up your game time cleaning habits. Why? Because your  home will soon be filled with friends and family, all of whom are ready to sit down, chow down and get their “football fix” in your living room. Are you sure you’re not inviting them into a toxic environment? If you use everyday household cleaning products—here’s a list of some dangerous ones—you may be exposing your guests to harmful chemicals. You’ll want to use non-tocix chemicals to ensure your family and friends are safe and sound.

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Green Cleaning

Going Green is Easier Than You Think

They say “you are what you eat.” If that’s the case, the same can be said for the cleaning products you expose yourself—and your family—to on a regular basis. Much like only eating organic food to stay healthy, “going green” when cleaning can go a long way in keeping you safe, healthy and happy.
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Green Cleaning, Loft, apartments & houses, Professional Cleaning

Cleaning Secrets from Professional Cleaners

Does the idea of cleaning your house have you running for the hills? We have some cleaning secrets for you! House cleaning can seem like such a simple task, but if it were so easy to do, there wouldn’t be such a high demand for professional cleaners. Take a page out of the professional cleaners’…

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